It’s Not Easy Being Green…Or Is It?

Going Green

10 Ways We Can Help Make a Difference

Today is Earth Day, so it would seem to be a good time to think about what we can do in our day to day lives to help make a difference in the world around us. In January we make our New Year’s resolutions and look for ways to make a change in our lives, hoping for better health, a better job or less stress. Some resolutions are small, others are big life-changing challenges.

New Year’s resolutions are often broken, especially if they are hastily made without thinking through the logistics. Perhaps today would be a good day to make some resolutions for “going green” in the upcoming months. Earth Day is a great time to remember and appreciate nature, as well as learn ways to protect and care for our environment. Everyone can find a few small ways to help do their part.

Going green is a great way to start off the new year, but it’s such a broad term that the specifics of how you’ll go green could end up taking a back seat to daily life. Instead of making a broad generalization, choose a few specific ways to green your life in 2012.

Not Sure Where To Start? Here Are 10 Suggestions to Help You Get Started…

1. Banish paper and plastic bags from your life. Always carry at least one reusable bag with you and it will soon be as routine as grabbing your keys when you head out.2. Switch your monthly bills to e-billing. Even if you print them out at home, you’ll eliminate the postage carbon footprint and reduce paper use (no envelopes and annoying “special offer” inserts).3. Before you throw anything away, ask yourself if you can use it in a new way or if someone else could use it.

4. If you’re replacing appliances in 2012, pay a little more for the most efficient Energy Star models — they’ll save you money in the long run.

5. Walk more, particularly if your destination is less than 30 minutes on foot. It’s good for your health and the environment.

6. Take public transit. Students often have a transit pass included in their fees, and some cities even have free public transit, so use it!

7. In the market for a new car? Choose a green hybrid or electric.

8. Go vegetarian one day a week. The livestock industry is a huge greenhouse gas emitter.

9. Refuse to buy foods that are unnecessarily packaged, such as fruits and vegetables.

10. Buy a water filtration pitcher and refill your own bottles instead of buying bottled water.

These are just a few of the ways you can commit to going green in the new year. Just remember: It can be a challenge as you adjust to a new way of thinking, but it’s worth sticking with it.


Tis the Season…

The lower 48 states are experiencing one of the worst allergy seasons on record.  The mild temperature during the end of winter has allowed for earlier growth and blooming. Levels of pollen, tree, grass, mold and others are all high. The fact is,  all of us are allergic to these things because they are foreign invaders. So why do some seem symptom free, while others are so bad that they are having asthmatic conditions? The answer is balance.

Several systems in your body need to be in balance to help deal with environmental allergens. The immune system, inflammatory system, detoxification system, hormone system and structural system all have to be in balance and functioning at 80% capacity or higher. Additionally, we need to have low oxidative stress and healthy bowel function. When all of these are in working order, there is a good chance you will be one of the people who don’t appear to suffer from allergies. The more of these systems that are out of balance, the more likely you will suffer. In fact, over the years I have had many people tell me that they have recently developed allergies, or that over time they have increased.  To help improve your symptoms or eliminate them, you have to support the systems mentioned above. I myself can attest to the power of this approach as I once had terrible environmental allergies and suffered with exercise induced asthma.  I happy to report that the asthma is completely gone and the allergies have not been an issue for several years.

Everything starts with diet. Your diet has a major impact on your inflammatory response.  Try to eliminate processed foods, white sugar, white flour, high carb foods, trans fats, coffee and other high caffeine foods or drinks. Cut down on dairy products and red meats. Grass fed, organic beef is best, but on a limited basis.  Instead, try to eat quality proteins like turkey, fish, pasture raised chicken and eggs. Get plenty of vegetables in your diet as well as healthy fats like olive oil, fish oil, flax oil and coconut oil. I realize this is a tall order, but every little bit helps. Just be mindful of what you eat. Drink plenty of purified water, like Get Clean water.

Move your body. The trash in your body moves through the lymphatic system. The lymph system does not have its own pump. Therefore, you have to move your arms, legs and trunk to help move the garbage along. A ten minute walk, stationary bike with arm movements, yoga and mild cardio movements are all helpful.

Support your systems. There are some really easy and great ways to help support the body and allow it to handle the allergens better without causing you a lot of discomfort. For me, the baseline is the Shaklee Life Strip and Vivix. Together, you have all the things you need to have a positive impact on detoxification, oxidative stress, inflammation and hormonal imbalance. These four systems interact very closely with one another so supporting all four at the same time makes better sense.  Next, consider adding DTX for additional liver support (your oil filter), Nutriferon to regulate the immune response and Alfalfa to clean and alkalize the system. If you have a lot of stress in your life, try Stress Relief Complex to help balance out the stress response. Stressed out stress glands have been shown to have a direct link to increased allergies to both environmental allergens as well as food.

Lastly, keep things as clean as possible. Always use non toxic cleaning products to clean your home, on dishes and clothing. I have chosen to use Get Clean products. Some of the most toxic things you come in contact with are cleaning products.  Women need to find healthier cosmetics that don’t have all those nasty chemicals.  Limit fragrances as they contain hormone disruptors as well as chemicals known to irritate the lungs.

Every little bit helps. Start with one or two, and add on as you can. I know you will see a difference because I did!

Information based on an article by Dr. Joseph Hansen/Omnis Chiropractic

The Eyes Have It

Eye Wrinkles Can Be Avoided, But How?

Eye wrinkles are a common problem that affect many us of these days. Unhealthy lifestyles, stress, atmospheric pollution and advancement of age contribute to this problem. And while many of these causes are inevitable, you can prevent or at least minimize them.

Facial gestures, such as squinting your eyes, are among the most common factors that contribute to the formation of eye wrinkles. As the skin around the eyes is highly sensitive, exposure to ultraviolet rays of the sun and extreme cold and heat can enhance wrinkling of the sensitive skin around the eyes. This wrinkled skin makes us look older than we are and can have a negative impact on our confidence and self-esteem.

The moment we are born, we start to age. But, the damage that the cells of our body undergo are offset by the innate healing capacity of our body. Still, after a particular age, this repair work slows down a great deal. This is why eye wrinkles form. If you want to maintain the good health of your skin, you need to nourish it by protecting your skin, adopting healthy eating habits and exercising. Adding an effective eye cream to your skin care regimen can also assist in helping you maintain healthy skin.

There are umpteen eye wrinkle creams available to diminish eye wrinkles and keep you looking and feeling youthful. But, not all eye creams are created equal. And simply because one worked for someone else, doesn’t mean it will work for you. The key is to test until you find the eye cream that works for you. While this can get expensive, look for trial offers and/or money back guarantees. Positive reviews from others who have used a particular cream are also helpful. Personally, I have had wonderful results with Shaklee Eye Treatment. It comes with a money back guarantee, so there is no risk.